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Mesaj Scris de ~error heroin~ Mier Aug 20, 2008 2:38 pm

Moi Dix Mois profile Moidixmois

Moi dix Mois is a Japanese musical project founded by Malice Mizer's front, Mana. As part of the visual kei movement it is marked by Mana's selection of guest performers rather than a typical band structure, and exhibits a combination of classical elements of gothic rock and gothic metal.

Apart from playing guitar, Mana composes all of Moi dix Mois' music and lyrics, arranges, produces, and designs the stage costumes and acts as overall artistic director. In contrast to Mana's previous bands, Moi dix Mois is explicitly billed as Mana's solo project; while the project members have input during the performance and recording of the music, Mana essentially determines the band's artistic direction on his own. All of Moi dix Mois' music is released via Mana's own independent record label, Midi:Nette.

Since the debut release of the single "Dialogue Symphonie", Moi dix Mois has released four singles, three full albums, and one mini-album.


March 19, 2002, approximately three months after Malice Mizer announced their indefinite hiatus, Mana announced the formation of his solo project, Moi dix Mois. Their first single, "Dialogue Symphonie", was released October 19 of the same year.

Moi dix Mois played their first concerts outside Japan in March 2005 in Munich, Germany and Paris, France as part of their Invite to Immorality Tour. After the tour's final engagement on April 24, 2005 in Tokyo, singer Juka left the band.

A new stage of the band began on March 1, 2006, when they released the album, Beyond the Gate. This featured a new vocalist named Seth. Before the album was released, Mana indicated that the sound would mean the beginning of a renewed direction for the band, possibly more integrated towards electronic music. After the announcement of the Beyond the Gate release was made, Seth's identity was revealed as the new vocalist, and it was announced that Kazuno (bass) and Tohru (drums) were also leaving the group.

In June 2006, Moi dix Mois headlined the Wave-Gotik-Treffen in Leipzig, Germany. They then returned to touring in Japan.

A prospective five city tour in the United States was scheduled for July 2006, but canceled due to the band citing "differences in policies" with the tour organizer. However, Mana did make a U.S. appearance at the 2006 Anime Expo in Anaheim, CA on July 1, where he announced that Moi dix Mois is planning to tour America sometime "within the calendar year".[1] However, this U.S. tour did not materialize in 2006.

On March 28, 2007, Moi dix Mois released their fourth album, Dixanadu; the first album with the current lineup.


The band's name, which literally translates from French as "me ten months", has special meaning to Mana. "Moi" stands for his debut as a solo artist; "Dix" stands for the number ten and while one symbolizes the beginning of something, zero means something similar to "eternity"; "dix mois", again, means "ten months", the average time a baby grows inside its mother's womb before being born (the Japanese traditionally count gestation in lunar months).

Project Member History
Moi dix Mois has experienced numerous lineup changes.

Originally the lineup included:

* Mana – guitar
* Juka – vocals
* Kazuno – bass
* Tohru – drums

Juka and Kazuno were employed from Moi dix Mois' conception, with Tohru being a support drummer originally. Tohru officially joined with the release of Shadows Temple in May of 2004. K was introduced as guitarist and death vocalist with the Dis Inferno III event in December of 2004.

At the end of the Invite to Immorality Tour on April 24, 2005, Juka announced that he would be leaving. It was announced that Kazuno and Tohru would also be leaving with the release of Beyond the Gate. At the same time, Seth was announced as being added to the project as vocalist.

Sugiya and Hayato provided live support until the release of "Lamentful Miss", which included them for the first time as full members.

The current lineup consists of:

* Mana – guitar
* Seth – vocals
* K – guitar and vocals
* Sugiya – bass
* Hayato – drums



* Dix Infernal (March 19, 2003)
* Nocturnal Opera (July 20, 2004)
* Beyond the Gate (March 1, 2006)
* Dixanadu (March 28, 2007)


* "Dialogue Symphonie" (November 19, 2002)
* "Shadows Temple" (May 31, 2004)
* "Pageant" (October 6, 2004)
* "Lamentful Miss" (October 4, 2006)


* Dix Infernal - Scars of Sabbath (December 16, 2003)
* Invite to Immorality - Moi dix Mois Europe Live Tour 2005 (July 27, 2005)
* Dixanadu - Fated "raison d'etre" Europe Tour 2007 (January 30, 2008)

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Numarul mesajelor : 416
Data de inscriere : 08/07/2008

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